Security Levels (in a Template)

The security level determines who can work with, view, or search the contents of a document, assessment or campaign created from a template.

The table below lists the security levels and who has access to each level.

Security Level Description
All Users When a content item is assigned this security level, all users can see that item in the workflow statuses they have access to, even if they are not specifically assigned to that item. For example, someone with the Document Owner role who is not a document's owner can see that document while it is in the Draft status, and someone with the Reviewer role who is not assigned to a particular document can see that document while it is in the Review status.
Restricted - High With this security level assigned to a content item, only those specifically assigned in one or more Properties Wizard steps (Writers, Reviewers, Approvers, Assignees) of that item have access to it. They can also access the item in any workflow status except archived. For example, someone assigned in a document's Approvers step can see that document while it is in the Draft, Collaboration, Review, Approval, Pending, and Published statuses.
Restricted - Severe As with the Restricted - High security level, only users specifically assigned in one or more Properties Wizard steps of the item have access to it. However, they can only view that item when it is in the status corresponding with the Properties Wizard step to which they are assigned. For example, a user assigned in the Writers step can only see the document/assessment while it is in the Collaboration status.

Visitors can view an item with this security level from the Public Site when it is published. Users can view an item with this security level in the workflow stage they have permission to view. Assessments and campaigns cannot be set to the Public security level.

Note: This option is available only with the Public Viewer advanced feature module. If you have questions about or want to purchase this module, contact NAVEX Customer Support by submitting a request in the Community.