Working with Custom Layouts

A layout is a set of default filters, data column arrangements, groupings, and summary representations that focus on a particular aspect of the report data. Layouts apply to both the Summary and Data panes, if both are present.

You can select a preset system layout or create and save a custom layout.

Create a custom report layout

  1. After clicking View Report, use any available customization options in both the Summary pane and Data pane to create your desired report layout.
  2. Next to the Layout menu, click , and then click Create new layout.

  3. Type a custom layout name.
  4. (Optional) To allow other report users to select this layout, select Make this layout available to other users.
  5. Click OK.Your custom layout now appears as an option in the Custom area of the Layout menu.

Modify or delete a custom report layout

  1. For Layout, select the custom layout you want to modify or delete.
  2. Make modifications to the Summary and Data pane layouts.
  3. Next to the Layout menu, click , and then do one of the following:
    • Click Save to current layout.


    • Click Delete current layout.

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