Selecting Content for Reports

Some reports allow you to select the content type from which to report.

Select content for a report

  1. In a report, click Content Type, and select Documents, Assessments, or Campaigns.

  2. (Optional) Click Statuses and select the status of the content items you want included in the report or click All Statuses.

  3. (Optional) If your system includes multiple sites, click Site, and select the site containing some or all the documents or assessments you want included in the report. To select all documents, assessments, or campaigns from the currently selected site or sites, or from all sites, click Add All From Selected Site(s) or Add All From All Sites,
  4. In the Select By list, click an option for how you want to find content items.

    The list changes depending on your Select By choice. For example, if you choose to select by department, a list of departments appears below the Select By list.

    • If you chose Title or Reference # for Select By, start typing some text that you believe is in a title or reference number. When you've typed at least three characters, a list appears of titles or reference numbers matching what you've typed. Continue typing if you need to narrow the list. As soon as you see the title or reference number you want, click it.
    • If you chose any of the other Select By options, in the list, click an item to display all documents, assessments, or campaigns assigned to that item.

      Note: Unlike other Select By options, the Title and Reference # options limit you to selecting content items one at a time.

  5. Do any of the following:

    • Select individual content items from the Available list.

    • Click Add All From Selected Site(s).

    • Click Add All From All Sites.

  6. Click OK.