The Publishing Process
All content items created in PolicyTech go through a set of stages or statuses in the publishing process.
The process starts when an owner writes an original content item. Initially, the content item is in the Draft stage.
If desired, the owner can Collaborate with other writers to complete the first draft. When this occurs the content item is in the Collaborate state.
The owner then submits the content item to Review, where each reviewer can accept, revise, or decline it. If revised or declined by one or more reviewers, the content item is placed back in Draft status, and a task email is sent to the owner to review the revised or declined content item, make the necessary changes, and then resubmit it for review. This part of the process can be repeated as many times as necessary to create an acceptable content item.
Once all reviewers approve a subsequent draft, the content item is moved automatically to Approval status.
Approvers have the same options as reviewers for dealing with the content item in a Pending status (accept, revise, and decline).
If all approvers accept it, the content item is automatically published and task notifications to read the document or complete the assessment or campaign are sent to all assignees. If one or more approvers revise or decline the content item, it again goes back to Draft status where the owner can again make needed changes and resubmit the content item to Review or directly to Approved.
When necessary, a content item can be Archived where it is stored for future reference indefinitely.