Adding an Assessment Task

You can use a follow-on assessment task to instruct the user to do something if a certain answer is selected. For example, you could assign someone who chooses a certain answer to watch a training video, fill out a form, or see a manager for further clarification.

Important: Selecting an answer with an assessment task assigned does not affect the status of a user's assigned Read / Complete task for that document or assessment, nor does it affect the assessment results (beyond whether you designated that answer as correct or incorrect); it simply adds an independent, custom task to the user's My Tasks list.

Add an Assessment Task

  1. From an open assessment, in the Answers pane, for the answer you have added, click Options, and then click Advanced Settings.

    Note: This feature is not available for open-ended questions.

  2. Select Create Task, and then type the task instructions.

  3. (Optional) If completing the task includes accessing a website or web page, select Include Hyperlink, type, or copy and paste the web address, and then type a link title. To test the link, click Test URL.

    Important: The URL must include http:// or https://.

  4. Click Save.