Selecting Content Items for a Campaign

You can select content items for a campaign using two methods - Browse to Select Content Items or Find and Select Content Items. Both allow you to add one or more content items to a campaign.

Select Content Items for a Campaign

  1. From an open campaign, click the Edit Campaign tab.
  2. Click Add Content, and then click Documents, Assessments, Training, or Disclosure Questionnaires.

    • The Estimated Time to Complete field shows the total estimated time to complete the campaign based on each content item's assigned estimated time. Content items without an assigned estimated completion time do not contribute to the cumulative time estimate shown. Selecting the check box displays the estimate to users completing the campaign.

    Important: You can add any accessible published document or started assessment assigned the All Users security level.

  3. (Optional) For Site, click , and then do one of the following:
    • Click a different site and click OK.
    • Click All Sites to search all sites you have access to and click OK.
    • Select Allow multiple selections, select two or more sites and click OK.
  4. Select the content items for the campaign using either the Browse to Select Content Items or Find and Select Content Items methods shown below.
  5. (Optional) To remove an item from the list of campaign contents, click .

  6. (Optional) To require assignees to read or complete a content item after the campaign is started, even if they previously completed it, select an item in the list, click , select Require Completion after Campaign is Started, and then click OK.

  7. Click Save.