Listing a Link to a New (Not Yet Created) PolicyTech Document
The way you access the Attachments list depends on the type of document you're working with and which Microsoft® Office integration PolicyTech is set up to use.
- To access the Attachments list, do one of the following:.
- Click the Edit Document tab and, if the content looks like that shown below, click Links & Attachments, and then click Attachments.
- Click the Edit Document tab and, if content looks like either of the following, click Attachments.
- While editing a document after selecting Open with Microsoft Office Online or Open in Office, expand the Insert Link menu in the PolicyTech Tools panel, and then click Attachments.
- Click PolicyTech Document.
- Click New Document.
- A new document opens with step 1. Settings of the Properties Wizard displayed. Type a title, select a template, and then click Save.
Note: You can finish creating the new document at any time. The steps that follow are for completing the action of adding a link to the original document.
- The link to the new document is added to the Attachments window. To return to the original document and finish the new document later, do one of the following:
- Minimize the new document window.
- Click
or Options, and then click Save and Close.
- Do one of the following:
- Click Add Another, and then repeat steps 4 and 5 above.
- Click Done, and then move on to the next step.
- Click OK to close the Attachments window.