Localizing a Synced Questionnaire

If the localized copy you are working with has been synced with its master document and the master includes a questionnaire, the copy has inherited that questionnaire. You can localize (translate or otherwise modify) the text for the following questionnaire elements:

Important: If you are translating a questionnaire, be sure to replace questionnaire text with exact translations so that the integrity of reports that include questionnaire results is maintained.

You can also change an answer's advanced settings or disable the questionnaire altogether.

You cannot make any of the following changes:

You can localize a synced questionnaire by either editing it directly in the Edit Questionnaire tab of the copy document or by preparing and importing a Microsoft® Excel® file that the master document owner has exported and sent to you. Go to the section topic below for your preferred method.

Directly Edit a Synced Questionnaire

Prepare and Import a Questionnaire Translation File