The table below explains what roles can access a document or questionnaire in each publication process status with the three security levels.
Publishing Status
Roles with Access |
Security Level: All Users |
Security Level: Restricted - High |
Security Level: Restricted - Severe |
Draft |
Contains new documents and questionnaires not yet |
Administrators and any document owner |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner |
Collaboration |
Contains documents and questionnaires submitted to assigned writers before being reviewed and approved. |
Administrators and any document owner, proxy author, writer, reviewer, and approver, whether or not assigned to the document or questionnaire |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner, proxy authors, writers, reviewers, and approvers |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner, proxy authors, and writers with active tasks |
Review |
Contains documents and questionnaires submitted for review but not yet reviewed by all assigned reviewers. |
Administrators and any document owner, proxy author, writer, reviewer, and approver, whether or not assigned to the document or questionnaire |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner, proxy authors, writers, reviewers, and approvers |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner, proxy authors, and reviewers with active tasks |
Approval |
Contains documents and questionnaires |
Administrators and any document owner |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner |
Pending |
Contains approved documents and questionnaires that have not yet reached their designated effective dates—the dates when they will move into the published status. |
Administrators and any document owner |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner, |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner |
Published |
Contains documents and questionnaires accepted by all assigned |
Administrators and any document owner, |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner, |
Administrators and only the assigned document owner |
Archived |
Contains previous versions of documents and questionnaires |
Administrators and any user assigned the Archived Documents role |
Administrators and any user assigned both the Archived Documents role and the Document Owner |
Administrators and any user who is both assigned the Archived Documents role and is assigned as the document owner |
*Assignees can access a document or questionnaire in pending status if the Require completion before publication option is currently selected in the Properties Wizard.