Important: Revising a document sends it back to Draft status where the document owner must restart the review and approval process. You may want to consider starting a discussion thread first (see Starting a Discussion) to avoid unnecessary process delays.
Note: If you see an alert like the one below, it means that another user (another approver or an administrator) is working on the document. You will not be able to revise the document until the other user closes it. If you want to be notified when the document is available, select Notify me by email when the document is no longer checked out, and then click OK to clear the warning. |
Note: You cannot turn off Track Changes while revising a Word document in review or approval.
Important: If you're revising a Word document, your changes are captured by Word's Track Changes feature, whether you can actually see the markup or not. You cannot turn off Track Changes.
Note: If you're revising an Excel document, consider adding comments to or highlighting any cells you change so the document owner can quickly see your revisions without having to compare draft versions.
Note: If you're not finished with revisions but need to close the document for now, click Finish Later.
Important: You can't move on until you type an explanation.