Each of the Task Notifications, Content Change Notifications, and Miscellaneous groupings contains multiple subgroupings. Click a subgrouping name to see the emails it contains.
Select or click to clear the Enabled check box for any grouping, subgrouping or individual email.
The following email subgroupings are enabled by default: Owner / Proxy Author, Workflow Tasks, Administrator, Critical Changes, Other, Reports.
Certain emails, such as summaries and some administrator notifications, cannot be disabled.
If you choose to allow users to manage their own email settings (see Email Manager: Settings), you can limit their ability to enable or disable specific emails or groupings. After configuring Enabled settings, select Locked for a grouping, subgrouping, or individual email.
To view the description of an individual email, along with its subject and body text, click an email name. For instructions on changing an email's contents, see Editing and Previewing a Notification Email.