Next Review Dates after Setting as Approved

Note: The functionality described below does not apply to questionnaires or campaigns you set as approved—only documents.

When you set a document as approved, PolicyTech checks the next scheduled periodic review date to see if the set as approved date is within the warning period for that periodic review date. If it is not, review notifications will be sent to the document owner and any assigned proxy authors on the scheduled periodic review date.

If the set as approved date is within the warning period, PolicyTech cancels the currently pending review date and reschedules it for the end of the next review interval. For example, suppose a document's next review date is 6/1/2019 and the warning period for that document is set to one month. If you set that document as approved on 5/7/2019, it would be within the document's one-month warning period, so the review date would be reset to 6/1/2020.

If the periodic review date for one or more documents was reset as a result of clicking Submit for Period Review in the Bulk Editor, you will see an alert at the top of the Bulk Edit Results window, as shown below. Click View the list to see which documents' review intervals were reset.

If you want to submit any of the listed documents for review now instead of waiting for the next schedule review date, select those documents and then click Submit for Periodic Review. Doing so creates a periodic review task and sends the document owner two emails. One is the email usually sent at the beginning of the periodic review warning period and includes a due date of the day you force the periodic review submission. The second email indicates that you, as an administrator, have submitted the document for periodic review.