Restoring a Backup

If PolicyTech is installed on your organization's premises, you can restore a database backup. Before doing so, consider the following:

To restore a backup:

  1. Click System Settings, click System / IT Settings, and then click Database Manager.
  2. (Optional but recommended) Back up the database in its current state before restoring an older backup (see Backing Up a Database).
  3. Click Restore Backup.
  1. For the backup you want to restore, click Restore, click Yes to confirm , and then click Yes again to clear the message recommending a database backup.

As the restoration is in process, you'll see a window similar to the following:

  1. When the database is completely restored, the login window is displayed. Log in as you normally would.

Note: If the backup was created using a previous PolicyTech software version, once the restore is completed you'll see another progress bar while the database is upgraded to the current version.