Working with a Finished Legacy Report

Important: This topic is for working with the finished results of all reports except the following next-generation reports:

  • My Tasks
  • Tasks by Content - Current
  • Tasks by Content - All
  • Tasks by User - Current
  • Tasks by User - All
  • Questionnaire Results by Content
  • Questionnaire Results by User
  • Questionnaire Statistics

For help with these reports, see Working with Next-Generation Report Results.

When you click View Report, the report header contains several options for working with the finished report.

Lets you send the report to another PolicyTech user.

  1. Click , and then after reading the security alert, click Continue.
  2. Select recipients.
  3. Click Send, and then click OK.

Lets you search for specific text anywhere in the report.

Note: Unlike the browser's Find feature that searches only the currently displayed report page, searches through the entire report contents.

Opens the Print feature where you can adjust print settings and send all or selected pages of the report to a printer.

Opens the Print feature with only the current page selected.

Lets you save the report to disk.

  1. In the Save As drop-down menu, select a file format (PDF is the default).
  2. Click , and then follow the prompts.