Selecting Content

The steps that follow assume that you have already found and opened a content report or selected the Custom Print option, and that a window similar to the one below is displayed.

  1. (Conditional) If a Content Type option is included, select Documents, Questionnaires, or Campaigns.


  1. (Conditional) If a Status option is included, click the status of the content items you want included in the report or click All Statuses.
  1. (Conditional) If your PolicyTech system includes multiple sites, select the site containing some or all of the documents/questionnaires you want included in the report.


  • To select all documents, questionnaires, or campaigns from the currently selected site or sites, or from all sites, click Add All From Selected Site(s) or Add All From All Sites, and then skip to step 5.
  • After completing steps 2 through 6, repeat them to add content items from other sites.
  1. In the Select By list, click an option for how you want to find content items.
  1. The list below Select By changes, depending on your Select By choice. For example, if you choose to select by department, a list of departments appears below the Select By list.
  1. (Optional) To narrow a long list of available content items, add one or more filters (see Adding Content Filters for details).
  2. Do one of the following to select content items:

Note: Unlike other Select By options, the Title and Reference # options limit you to selecting content items one at a time.