Inserting a Link

These steps are for inserting a link that has already been added to the Attachments window. To create a new link and insert it at the same time, see Inserting Links to Documents and Websites.

  1. While editing a document, place the cursor where you want to insert a link.
  2. To access the Attachments list, do one of the following:.
  1. In the Attachments window, click Insert Link or Insert Link - Convert for the attachment or link you want to insert into the document.
  1. What you see next depends on the type of link you're inserting.

Important: PolicyTech requires that you convert the uploaded copy of the external file into a PolicyTech document before inserting a link to it. This helps ensure that the attachment is tracked and kept up to date. For example, if someone updates the converted attachment in PolicyTech, the owners of any documents containing a link to the converted document receive notification to update this link.

Converting an External File Attachment using Office Online Module

To convert an external file attachment into a PolicyTech document, you must be in preview mode.

  1. If you are currently editing a document (after selecting Open with Microsoft Office Online or Open in Office), save your work, and then click Back to PolicyTech.
  2. Click Attachments.
  1. In the Actions column, click Convert, and then click Convert Now.
  1. A new document opens with the settings step Settings of the Properties Wizard displayed and the attachment's file name as the title, which you can change. Select a template, and then click Save.

Note: If the external file is not a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or HTML document, select an Upload File template.

  1. Back in the original document window, Click Edit document to return to edit mode and insert the link to the newly converted document.
  2. Place the cursor where you want the link inserted, expand the Insert Link menu in the PolicyTech Tools panel, and then click Attachments.
  3. For the newly converted file, click Insert Link, and then click OK twice.

Converting an External File Attachment using WordModulePlus

  1. After clicking Insert Link, you'll see the following prompt. Click Convert Now.
  1. A new document opens with the settings step Settings of the Properties Wizard displayed and the attachment's file name as the title, which you can change. Select a template, and then click Save.

Note: If the external file is not a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or HTML document, select an Upload File template.

  1. The link to the converted document is inserted into the document. To return to the original document and finish the converted document later, either minimize the converted document window, or click , and then click Save and Close.
  2. An alert is displayed saying that the attachment has been converted. Click OK.
  1. Back in the Attachments window, click Insert Link again for the converted external file (now a PolicyTech document). An alert is displayed saying that the link has been inserted into the document. Click OK to clear the alert, and then click OK to close the Attachments window.