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Enable an Advanced Feature Add-On

Each of the features described below are included with your purchase of PolicyTech™ licenses, but they are not enabled by default. To enable an optional advanced feature, contact Client Support at 888-359-8123 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) or 208-359-8123. When enabling most add-ons you will be given a new registration code. For PDF Converter, you will be given a Document Converter Pro serial number.

Note: The PolicyShare access features are add-ons that are enabled by default. If you want to disable one or both of them, call Client Support at the number above.



PDF Converter

PDF Converter exports a copy of all approved Microsoft® Word documents to a temporary folder where a third-party application—Neevia Document Converter Pro—converts them into PDF format. PolicyTech then displays the PDF version of those documents to readers, which eliminates the need for readers to have Word licenses.

Important: If PolicyTech is installed on your organization's premises, you'll need to contact Client Support to get a Neevia Document Converter Pro serial number. If your PolicyTech site is hosted by NAVEX Global, you don't need to call Client Support to enable it. You need only to activate it in Module Manager (see Set Up PDF Converter).

Case Management Integration

Enables integration of EthicsPoint Case Management or IntegriLink, with PolicyTech, all of which are NAVEX Global products.

From within EthicsPoint or IntegriLink, case investigators can view case-related PolicyTech documents.

From within PolicyTech, a user can do the following:

  • Enable the syncing of EthicsPoint issue types or IntegriLink allegation types with corresponding PolicyTech categories
  • Assign issue type or allegation type categories to documents, making them accessible in EthicsPoint or IntegriLink
  • Be assigned the case investigator role, which allows that user to request updates to case-related documents
  • Report an incident or event from within a document

Reader Task Modification

Gives managers, document owners, and document control administrators the following options:

  • Marking a document as read for other users
  • Reassigning the reading task to users who have already marked a document as read.

Single Sign-on

Enables single sign-on capabilities from the NAVEX Global portal.

Document Export

Enables the exporting of PolicyTech documents to PDF or original file formats.

Serial Document Upload

By default, imported documents are uploaded in batches. This add-on changes the upload process to one document at a time, which should only be necessary if the internet browser your organization is using doesn't allow a multiple-file upload.

PolicyTech API for Integration with SharePoint Federated Search

Provides a method for returning a list of matching PolicyTech documents in SharePoint search results. The API provides one function—GetDocuments—that retrieves only documents that both match the SharePoint search criteria and meet the following PolicyTech criteria:

  • Must be assigned to a site to which the API key has been assigned
  • Must reside in the published status
  • Must have a security level designation of All Users or Public