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Merging Categories or Subcategories

When merging one or more categories into another category (the target category), all of the subcategories assigned to the categories to be merged will be reassigned to the target category. The categories to be merged will be deleted, with the target category remaining.

Important: A category that is merged into another is not placed in the Recycle Bin and can only be restored by restoring a backup database. If your PolicyTech system is hosted, periodic backups are created automatically. If your PolicyTech is installed on your organization's premises, be sure to back up the database when prompted (see step 4 below).

To merge categories,

  2. Click Document Setup, and then click Categories.
  1. Click Merge.
  1. Depending on whether your PolicyTech system is hosted or installed on your organization's premises, one of the following two warnings appears. Either click Continue to clear the message, or click Backup Database, click OK, and then, when the backup is complete, click Close.
  1. In the category list on the left, select the check boxes for one or more categories or subcategories to be merged.
  1. If your PolicyTech system has multiple sites and you plan to merge the selected categories or subcategories into a category or subcategory at a different site, select that site.
  1. Navigate to and click the category or subcategory you want the selected categories to be merged into.
  1. Click Merge, and then click OK.
  2. (Conditional) If the merge was not successful, address the issues shown in the merge status message, and then try to merge the categories again.