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Email Notification: Read a Document


notification levels:



A document is approved and published, or a document is approved and moved to pending status when it has been assigned a future publication date and the "Require reading before publication" option has been selected in the template.


Assigned readers


[escalation label]* (Due: [due date]) Required to read: "[document title]"


*Possible escalation labels: WARNING! (if message sent within optional warning period); OVERDUE! (if message sent after optional due date); CRITICAL! (if message sent after optional critical date).

If due date is specified.


You are required to read "[document title]"[due date text]*.

Click the document title above to read. To confirm that you have read and understood the complete document click "Mark as Read".

[escalation text]

[version change summary]


[note text]

*The following text is Included if a due date is specified: " before [due date]."

Included if a due date is specified and will be one of the following: "You have only [integer] DAY(S) REMAINING before it is overdue"; "It is due today!"; "It is [integer] DAY(S) overdue!"

Included only if the task is for a new version of an existing document. If the document owner has included a summary of the changes made, the following text is included:

[document owner's name] has included these comments regarding changes that were made from the previous version:

"[comment text]"

Otherwise, the following text is included:

[document owner's name] has not included any comments regarding changes that were made from the previous version.

§If one or more notes exist, each note's subject (in bold font) and body are listed. Otherwise, the note text is "-NONE-."
