You are here: User Topics by Subject > Using Optional Advanced Features > Working with Localization Workflow > Directly Edit a Synced Questionnaire

Directly Edit a Synced Questionnaire

  1. Open the localized copy while it is in the draft, collaboration, review, or approval phase.

Note: In a document list, a localized copy title is preceded by an up arrow (↑).

  1. Click the Edit Questionnaire tab. The questionnaire appears exactly as it was created in the master document.

Important: At any time while working on the questionnaire you can click Compare to Master to open the master questionnaire in a separate browser window.

  1. To localize a learning objective, in an objective heading, click the objective name, make needed changes, and then click Save.
  2. For each question you need to localize, click the question text, and then do any of the following:
  1. In the Question window, click Save and Close.
  2. Click Questionnaire Settings, and then localize the Questionnaire Introduction text.
  3. Click Save.