You are here: User Topics by Subject > Generating Reports > Using Saved Report Settings Features > Emailing a Report from a Saved Setup

Emailing a Report from a Saved Setup

Important: This feature is available only if all of the following are true:

  • You have been assigned the Report Manager or Document Control Administrator permission.
  • You have been assigned a valid email address in your user profile.
  • PolicyTech has been correctly set up to send emails.
  • You are working with a saved Tasks by Document or Tasks by User report.

After saving a Tasks by Document or Tasks by User report (see Saving a Report's Settings), you can set up a schedule for automatically generating and emailing yourself the summary portion of the report based on the saved settings.

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click Enable Periodic Report Emails.

The window expands to show scheduling options.

  1. In the Send Email Frequency area, clicking one of the four options in the list on the left changes the options displayed to the right of the list. In the list on the left, do one of the following:
  1. Next to the Start box, click , and then navigate to and click the date when you want automatic emailing of reports to start.
  2. In the second box after Start, type the time of day when you want the emails sent.

Notes about the number of email occurrences:

  • Report emails will be sent a maximum of 50 times on the currently set schedule. After 50 occurrences, emailing is disabled. To start emailing the same reports again, open the saved report setup, select Enable Periodic Report Emails and select a new start date.
  • Rather than keep a running total of occurrences, PolicyTech calculates an end date based on the schedule settings at the time you save them. It then disables emailing of this report once that date passes. For example, if you select Daily as the recurrence method and want emails to go out every 2 days with a start date of 6/1/2014, the first email is sent out on 6/1, with each subsequent email sent out every other day thereafter (6/3, 6/5, 6/7, and so on). That means the 50th and last occurrence of the periodic emails falls on 9/7/2014—the calculated end date. As soon as a report email is sent on that date, PolicyTech clears the Enable Periodic Report Emails selection.
  • To disable periodic report emails at any time before 50 occurrences, open the saved report setup, and then click to clear Enable Periodic Report Emails.
  1. Click Save and Close.

An email similar to the one shown below will then be sent to at each "send" occurrence in the set schedule. Open the attachment to view the report