You are here: Topics by User Interface Area > For Document Control Administrators > Reports > Selecting Users for a Report

Selecting Users

The steps that follow assume that you have already found and opened a user report and that you see a window similar to the one of the three windows displayed below. The window you first see when you select a report depends on which report it is.

Some reports show a list of users with a specific document role (document owners, writers, reviewers, or approvers).

Several reports show a list of reader groups.

And several reports show the user search tool.

  1. If your PolicyTech system has multiple sites, select the site containing some or all of the users you want included in the report.

Note: After finishing these steps, repeat them to add users from other sites.

  1. (Optional) To include deleted users in whatever you select next in step 3, select the Show Deleted Users check box. An example of when this might be useful is when you're running a report for a specific time period, and a user was with the company during that period but has since left the company and has been deleted from PolicyTech.
  1. Do any of the following:

Note: Unlike the other user selection methods, searching for users limits you to selecting one user at a time.