Assigning Document Properties
The Properties Wizard breaks up property assignment for a document into the following seven steps:
Note: You will most likely not need to perform all seven steps for every document you create.
- Step 1: Set the document's critical properties (Title, Document Owner, Document Template) and other optional properties (Document Review Interval, Warning Period, Publication Date, Assigned Proxy Author, Document Keywords, Original Creation Date).
- Step 2: Assign the document to departments and categories.
- Step 3: Assign the document to the writers who will collaborate on the document's creation.
- Step 4: Assign the users who will review the document.
- Step 5: Assign the users who will approve the document.
- Step 6: Assign the users who will be required to read the document once it has been published.
- Step 7: Set the document's security level.
- Step 8: (Available only if Localization Workflow has been purchased and enabled) Define copy documents to be created when this parent document is approved.
Click a step above to go to its corresponding topic.