Requesting a Document Review (Proxy Author)

If you are a proxy author and have finished writing a document, you can send a request to the document owner to submit the document for review.

Note: Requesting submission for review sends an email notification to the document owner, but it does not add a task to My Tasks. You can add a document owner task in the Settings step of the Properties Wizard (see "Step 1: Settings," step 4).

  1. Find and open the document (see Finding and Opening a Document if you need help).
  2. Click Options, and then click Request Submit for Review.
  1. (Optional) In the Comments box, type any comments you want to include.
  1. (Optional) To add what you wrote to this document's discussion board, click Post to Discussion Board (see Working with Document Discussions for details).
  2. Click Save.
  3. In the Results window, click OK. The document is automatically closed for you.