About the Writer, Reviewer, and Approver Status Pages of the Document Overview

Use these pages to check the status of users assigned to write, review, and approve the document. Each page lists the assigned users with a status icon before each name. If a user has completed an action (writing, reviewing, or approving) and typed comments when doing so, you can see them by clicking that user's name.

Icon Descriptions

The user has accepted the document as is (no revisions).

The user has revised or declined the document (applies only to reviewers and approvers).

The user has received notification that the document is ready to be written, reviewed, or approved, but the user has not completed the task.

The document owner or document control administrator moved the document directly on to another workflow status, such as from draft to approval, skipping an assigned workflow step, such as review. This icon can also mean that the user did not complete the assigned task before a new version or revision of the document was made.

The user has not yet received notification to write, review, or approve the document.

The user was once assigned the task, but has since been unassigned.