Working with Custom Attributes

Each field of a user record (such as Last Name, Email Address, and Unique Employee ID) is an attribute of a user. You can create additional unique attributes and then use those attributes to store any user-related information.

Important: If your environment has only the PolicyTech application, User Custom Attributes can be managed using the User Manager. Otherwise, Custom Attributes are created using the Admin Settings of NAVEX One. Once a custom attribute is created in NAVEX One, you can use it in the PolicyTech application. See Adding Custom Attributes in NAVEX One for detailed instructions.


  • You can create task reports based on user custom attribute information.

  • You can automate content item workflows by creating user groups based on custom attributes and assigning those user groups to specific content items.

  • After a custom attribute is added, user custom attribute information can be applied to individual user records by importing user information from another database or by entering it manually (see Adding a User Custom Attribute).