Designating Assignees for an Assessment

Assignees are those users you require to complete an assessment.

Designate Assignees for an Assessment

  1. From an open assessment, click the Properties Wizard tab, and then click Assignees.

  2. In the Assignees step, first check to see if the template included assignees. In the example below, the template automatically added two assignee groups. Any assignees added by the template are optional and can be treated as suggestions. To remove an optional assignee, group, department, or job title, click it, and then click .
  3. For Select From, designate assignees by individual user, by group, by department, or by job titles.
  4. For Sites, do one of the following:
    • Leave the default site selection to select assignees from the current site.
    • Select a different site, and then click OK.

    • Under Site, click , select Allow multiple selections, select two or more sites, and then click OK.

      Important: If you will be designating assignees from other sites, see About Task Assignments and Site Access before doing so.

  5. (Optional) Set a due date for when assignees should be finished. See Setting Due Dates for Writing, Review, Approval, and Assignee Tasks for details.
  6. (Optional) Click Advanced Settings, and then, for Recurrence, click Once or Every. If you clicked Every, then type a number of months, and then, for beginning on, click approved/start date, or click specified date, and then select a date.

  7. (Optional) Click Advanced Settings, and then click Add Note to include instructions or other information for the assignees. See Adding Notes for Approvers and Assignees for details.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • To continue with assigning properties, click Next Step.
    • Click More, and then click Save and Close.