Editing a Language File in PolicyTech

You can modify the text in the default English (English) language file or a language file you've added.

  1. Click System Settings, click System / IT Settings, and then click Language Files.
  2. Click the language file you want to edit.
  1. Make changes to the Language Code, Default Translation, Native Name, and Preferred Name settings as needed.

Important: If you need to change the language code, we highly recommend that you do this only when no users are logged in to PolicyTech in order to avoid possible errors with open content items.


  • Only one language file can be linked to any given language code. If a code has already been assigned to another language file, it will not appear in the Language Code list for this language file.
  • The Default Translation option will only be available if additional languages have been purchased. See Working with a Purchased a Language File.
  1. Find and edit text in the Translated Text column as necessary. For details on the tools provided for locating a text string, see Finding Specific User Interface Text.
  2. Make changes to the found text string, such as translating it into another language or modifying it to be specific to your organization.


  • You can include any valid HTML formatting tags in a Translated Text box. However, the <script>, <iframe>, and <form> tags are not supported.
  • If the default text contains one or more variables, you can include those variables in the corresponding Translated Text box. Be aware that a variable is specific to a default text string. In other words, the %1% variable in one default text box is not the same as the %1% variable in another. Also, if you include a variable in a Translated Text box that does not exist in the corresponding Current Default Text box, the variable name (such as %1%) will be displayed as plain text rather than being replaced by other information.
  1. (Optional) If the language file you're editing is not the English (English) file, you can modify the text in the Native Name and Preferred Name boxes.
  2. (Optional) If you're ready to make this language file available so users can select it as their language, select Enabled. Or, click to clear the check box to disable this language file (remove it from the language selection list in the My Profile, Edit User, and Edit Site windows, as well as in the Bulk Permissions Editor).
  3. Click Save.