Assignees Step for Document Templates

Important: This step is completely optional.

Use this step to designate assignees for the template.

  1. If multiple sites exist, select a site containing assignees you want to designate.
  2. Select one or more departments (to select assignees individually, by assignee group, or by job title, see Other Ways to Select Assignees below).

Note: To remove a selected department, click the department name, and then click .

  1. By default, selected assignees receive a task that they must complete by reading and then marking documents based on this template as read. If you only want to notify certain users that a document based on this template is available once the document has been published and not give those users reading task assignments, click the selected department, job title, or assignee name or group, and then select Set as Notify Only. Notice that "Notify Only" assignee selections are preceded with .
  1. (Optional) When you're finished adding assignees from the current site, repeat steps 1 through 3 to select assignees from other sites.
  2. By default, assignees receive only one reading assignment for a document based on this template. If you want the assignees to read the document again periodically, click Advanced Settings. For Recurrence, click Every, and then type a number of months. (This option does not apply to "Notify Only" assignees.)

For beginning on, select approved/Publication Date. Or, select specified date to have the document owner select a beginning date when creating a document from this template.

  1. Do one of the following:

Other Ways to Select Assignees

The default assignee selection method is by individual department. You can also select by job title, by assignee group, or by individual assignees.

Job Titles

  1. For Select From, select Job Titles, and then click OK.

Important: The advantage of selecting a job title rather than individual assignees is that the reading assignment will be automatically updated as users are assigned or unassigned that job title.

  1. Do either or both of the following:

Assignee Groups or Department Groups

  1. For Select From, select Groups or Department Groups, and then click OK.

Note: A group is a combination of assignees from a single site or from multiple sites.

  1. Select one or more groups.

Note: To select individual assignees from a group, click the group name, and then select assignees.


  1. For Select From, select Assignees, and then click OK.

Note: Because every user is usually given the Assignee role, loading the assignee list could take several minutes.

  1. Select assignees.