Report: Exceptions by Content


Shows all users who chose questionnaire answers designated as exceptions.

Available to users with the following roles or permissions:

Report Manager, Administrator

How to Generate

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Exception Reports, and then click Exceptions by Content.
  1. Select content items to include in the report (see Selecting Content for help), and then click OK.

All options available for this report are displayed on the left. Notice that the number of currently selected content items is displayed after the Content option, which you can click anytime to change your selection.

Note: If you change your content selection after clicking View Report, click View Report again to refresh.

  1. (Optional) Click Arrangement and do any of the following:
  1. (Optional) By default, this report checks the selected documents/questionnaires regardless of their approval dates. To limit results to a date range, click Date, and then select a range. If you click Custom Range, also type or select From and To dates. Click OK.
  1. (Optional) To save the current content item selections and option settings for future use, click , type a name and description, click Save and Close, and then click OK.

Note: To access a saved report, click Reports, and then click My Saved Reports.

  1. Click View Report. A separate browser window opens along with a Windows system prompt. After opening or saving the file, close the browser window.