Other Ways to Select Approvers

The default approver selection method is to select individual approvers. You can also select approver groups or select individual approvers from specific departments, department groups, or job titles.

Approver Groups

  1. Under Select From, click , click Groups, and then click OK.
  1. Select one or more groups.


  • Use Search to find a group in a long list.
  • A group is a combination of approvers from a single site or from multiple sites.
  • To assign individual approvers from a group, click the group name, and then select approvers.
  • There may be situations where a board or committee needs to approve a document or questionnaire, and many of the board or committee are not PolicyTech users.  In this case an administrator can set up an approver group to represent the board or committee, with as few as one user in the group.  An administrative assistant or other individual representing the board or committee can then log in to PolicyTech during the board's or committee's meeting and accept the document/questionnaire on their behalf. This will ensure that the approval data in PolicyTech match the actual approval date. You may also want to have a legal review of such a situation in order to protect the individual who represents the board or committee.
  • Some organizations choose to create an approval group of one or more users who have the responsibility to make sure the document/questionnaire is clean (all markup is removed; the department and category settings are correct; and so on) before it is approved and published/started. The group with this gatekeeper or editor role receives the document/questionnaire first (see Working with Levels for details on approval levels and workflow). The document/questionnaire then moves on to the other approvers.

Departments, Department Groups, and Job Titles

You select individual approvers from departments, department groups, and job titles in essentially the same way.

  1. Under Select From, click , click Departments, Department Groups, or Job Titles, and then click OK.
  1. Click a department, department group, or job title to display a list of approvers from that entity, select one or more approvers, and then click OK.

Note: Use Search to find an approver in a long list.