You are here: Administrator Topics by Subject > Document Setup > About Templates > Adding Content to a Rich Text Template

Adding Content to an HTML Template

Important: Before you can write or otherwise add content to a template's HTML document, you must complete at least step 1. Template Setup of the Properties Wizard. If you have not already done so, complete the instructions under Assigning Template Properties.

  1. Do one of the following to open the HTML document editing window:

You should now see a window similar to the one below.

  1. Do one of the following to add content to the document:

Note: If you would like to see more of the document within the window, click Editor Tools, and then click Collapse Header Bar. When you are ready to use a feature in the header bar, click Editor Tools, and then click Expand Header Bar.

Important: Importing content completely overwrites any existing content. Copy and paste information from another document if you don't want to overwrite this document's existing content.

  1. When finished adding content, do either of the following: