You are here: Topics by User Interface Area > For Document Control Administrators > Documents > Editing a Document as a Document Owner Would

Editing a Document as a Document Owner Would

As a document control administrator (DCA), you can edit any of a document's elements (content, properties, and questionnaire) wherever a document owner can edit these elements. You can edit them in the statuses indicated below without affecting a document's workflow status and without the necessity of using the Edit in Current State feature:


Directly Editable in These Statuses


Draft, collaboration


All except archived


Draft, collaboration

Note: While you can edit an existing document as a DCA, you cannot create documents unless you've also been assigned the document owner or proxy author role.

For detailed instructions on editing document elements, see the following topics:

Writing a Document (Windows) or Writing a Document (Mac)

Assigning Document Properties

Creating a Questionnaire