Modify Properties

  1. Click the Modify Properties tab or button.

A modified version of the Properties Wizard appears, which is nearly the same as the one that document owners use while creating documents. You can make changes in any number of the steps, but you must apply the changes in one step before moving on to another. For details on the settings and assignments in the steps, see Assigning Document Properties.

  1. Do any of the following:

Important: When created, a document must be assigned to at least one site (it is assigned to the document owner's primary site by default). When removing site access using Bulk Edit, if the sites you select would result in all currently assigned sites being removed from a selected document, the removal will fail for that document and you will see a message to that effect in the Bulk Edit Results window.

If you're removing writer, reviewer, or approver assignments, you don't need to know which level they're assigned to. Simply select users, job titles, or departments (see Selecting Users below), and then click Remove from Selected Documents. The selected entities will be removed from all levels to which they're currently assigned within the selected documents.

Important: Because all approved documents must have at least one assigned approver, attempting an action that would remove all approvers will fail. To switch an approver assignment, you may need to add the new approvers before removing existing ones.

If you're adding writer, reviewer, or approver assignments, you have several options for assigning to writing, review, or approval levels:

When finished selecting entities, click Add to Selected Documents, in the prompt click Specified Levels, and then click OK.

For example, if you want to assign approvers to the current approval level, start in the Choose Documents tab by selecting In Approval - Approval for Status and then selecting documents. Then, in the Modify Properties tab, select the Approvers step, and then select approvers, job titles, or departments (see Selecting Users below).

Then, click Add to Selected Documents, in the prompt click Current Step's Level, and then click OK.

  1. Each time you perform one of the actions in the previous step, a results window like the one below is displayed. You can click a document title to open and check your changes. Click OK to close the Bulk Edit Results window.

Selecting Users

The following instructions assume that the Writers, Reviewers, Approvers, or Readers step in the Modify Properties tab is already selected.

  1. If your PolicyTech system has multiple sites, select the site containing the users you want to select.
  2. (Optional) By default, only active (not deleted) users are available for selection. Select the Show Deleted Users check box if you need to select users who have been deleted from the PolicyTech system and are currently in the Recycle Bin. This is especially useful for removing writing, review, approval, or reading assignments for those who are no longer with your organization.
  3. Use any of the available methods for selecting writers, reviewers, approvers, or readers. If you need help, see the following topics:

Assigning Document Properties - Step 3: Writers

Assigning Document Properties - Step 4: Reviewers

Assigning Document Properties - Step 5: Approvers

Assigning Document Properties - Step 6: Readers