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Adding Questions and Answers

Important: If you have not already done so, consider planning the questionnaire content before starting to add questions and answers. See Planning a Questionnaire for details.

To create a new questionnaire and start adding questions and answers,

  1. Open the draft document you want to add a questionnaire to.
  2. Click the Edit Questionnaire tab.
  1. If a questionnaire has not yet been created for this document, click Create Questionnaire.
  1. (Optional) If you want to include a learning objective as a heading for the first group of questions, click New Learning Objective, type the objective, and then click Save.

Note: If you don't add a learning objective, a default objective called General Questions is added for you.

  1. To add a question, do one of the following:

Important: When you have only one learning objective, clicking either New Question option does the same thing. However, if you have multiple objectives, clicking New Question in the upper left corner adds a question to the first learning objective, while clicking New Question in a learning objective header adds the question to that learning objective.

  1. Click the Question Type box, and then click an option. As shown below, the options in the Answers area change based on the question type selected.

Important: If you change the question type after typing answers, those answers will be deleted.

  1. If you selected Open Ended as the question type, move on to the next step. If you selected Multiple Choice, True or False, or Yes or No, then, in the header of the Answers area, do one of the following:
  1. Do one of the following:


  • The answers will appear in the questionnaire in the same order that you enter them here.
  • To delete an answer, click the trash icon () next to it.

Note: An open-ended question is not included when calculating a reader's questionnaire score.

  1. (Optional) At this point, you can set up several actions for PolicyTech™ to take based on which answer a questionnaire taker chooses. Click an item in the list below to go to detailed instructions about an action.

Important: Before you can assign an action, you must type a question and, if it's not an open-ended question, type answers and select the correct answer.

  1. (Optional) In Questionnaire Settings (see Questionnaire Settings) you can choose to show all questions or only incorrectly answered questions along with quiz results (score). Only if one of these two options is selected will the Feedback box be activated. The feedback can be anything you feel would be useful for the quiz taker, such as an explanation of the concept the question is about.

If you want to add feedback text, you can do either of the following:

Note: You cannot include feedback for an open-ended question.

  1. (Optional) In the Learning Objective area, do one of the following:
  1. To create additional questions and, optionally, learning objectives, repeat steps 5 through 11 as many times as necessary.
  2. Click Questionnaire Settings, and then go to Questionnaire Settings for detailed instructions.
  1. Click Save.