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Using Case Management Integration as a Questionnaire Creator

Important: This feature is available only if your organization has integrated PolicyTechâ„¢ with EthicsPoint Case Management or IntegriLink.

When you, as a document owner, add a questionnaire to a document, you have the option of having PolicyTech create a case in EthicsPoint Case Management or IntegriLink each time a reader selects a specific answer or types an answer to an open-ended question. You can tie a single answer or multiple answers to a single case.

  1. In a questionnaire, start to add or edit a question (see Adding Questions and Answers or Changing a Questionnaire for detailed instructions).

Important: You must have provided at least the minimum amount of information (question text, answer text, and answer type, for example) for the type of question you've selected before you can enable case creation.

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Select the Create Case check box, and then click Yes to confirm.

Note: If the Create Case option is not activated, contact your document control administrator.

  1. Check the system default settings for the case properties and make changes as necessary.
  2. (Optional and available for multiple choice, true/false, and yes/no questions only) To include the answers to any subquestions you add below the current answer, select the Group Sub Question Responses into this Case check box (see Grouping Subquestion Responses below for details on how this option works).
  3. Click Save.

Note: When you save a question, a briefcase icon () appears to the right of each answer with case creation enabled. If subquestion grouping is also enabled, a two-briefcase icon () appears. You can click either icon to reopen the Case Creation window for that answer.

  1. (Optional) Add a note to the question text indicating that answering this question will create a case.

Grouping Subquestion Responses

If you enable case creation for a specific answer, you can opt to have all responses (answers) from all of that answer's subqestions included in the same case. Consider the following scenarios to learn how this feature works.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, the questionnaire creator, Lisa, wants a case created if a user chooses the "false" answer to question 1. In the Case Creation window for the False answer, she would select the Group Subquestion Responses into this Case check box.

Scenario 2

In this scenario, Zach wants to create one case if the user selects the second answer and a different case if the user selects the third answer. He also wants the answers for the subquestion included in the case. In the answer 2 definition, Zach would enable case creation and select the Group Subquestion Responses into this Case check box. He would then do the same for answer 3.


  • Opting to group subquestion answers into a parent answer's case automatically includes all subquestion answers. For example, in scenario 1 Lisa could not choose to include the answer to subquestion 1 and exclude the answer to subquestion 2.
  • Because you cannot create subquestions for an open-ended answer, the option to group subquestions is not available when adding an open-ended answer to a question.
  • Nesting of subquestion grouping is not supported. When you enable subquestion grouping for an answer, the grouping option is not available in any answer below that parent answer.