Assigning Writers (Properties Wizard)
A user assigned the Writer role can help with the creation of document or questionnaire content. You can invite one or more writers to collaborate on the current document/questionnaire.
Note: A writer cannot change properties and cannot submit a document/questionnaire for review.
Assigning writers is an optional Properties Wizard step.
- In the Writers step, first check to see if the template included writer assignments. Any template writer assignment are optional and can be treated as suggestions. To remove an optional writer assignment, click it, and then click
- If your PolicyTech system has multiple sites, do one of the following.
- Leave the default site selection to select writers from the current site.
- Under Site, click
, select a different site, and then click OK.
- Under Site, click
, select Allow multiple selections, select two or more sites, and then click OK.
Important: If you will be assigning writers from other sites, see Assignees and Site Access before doing so.
- Select one or more writers.
Note: A list of writers within the selected site or sites is displayed by default. (If multiple sites are listed, expand a site to see and select individual writers.) To use another selection method, see Other Ways to Select Writers.
- (Optional) Set a due date for when writers should be finished. See Setting Due Dates for Writing, Review, Approval, and Assignee Tasks for details.
- (Optional) By default, all assigned writers must complete their tasks before the document/questionnaire moves on in the workflow. Alternatively, you can set a minimum number of writers of those assigned and have the document/questionnaire moved on in the workflow as soon as that number of writers complete their tasks.
In the right pane where writer selections are listed, click
, select Require [X] Users, type a number, and then click OK.
Note: If a group is included and is both inherited from the template and designated as required, users within the group are counted individually toward the Require number. For example, suppose that, on a particular writer level, there is one individually assigned writer and a required group inherited from the template containing three writers. If you set the Require number at 2, either of the following would complete the level: the individually assigned writer and one user from the required group accepts the document/questionnaire; two users from the required group accept the document/questionnaire.
- (Optional) As you assign writers, they all receive tasks when the document/questionnaire goes to Collaboration. If you want the document/questionnaire to go to writers in a specific order, create additional review levels. See Working with Levels for details.
- (Optional) Set a due date for when writers should be finished. See Setting Due Dates for Writing, Review, Approval, and Assignee Tasks.
- (Optional) Click Advanced Settings, and then click Add Note to include instructions or other information for the assigned writers. See Adding Notes for Writers, Reviewers, Approvers, and Assignees for details.
- Do one of the following:
- To continue with assigning properties, click Next Step, and then go to Assigning Reviewers.
- To stop assigning properties and finish later, click
to the right of Submit for Review, and then click Save and Close. (When you are ready to continue with assigning properties, go to Editing a Draft Document.)