Assigning Questionnaire Template Properties

The Properties Wizard breaks up property assignment for a questionnaire template into the following steps. Click a step link to go to detailed instructions for that task.

Note: The steps available to you depends on the Workflow Configurations setting of the currently selected template.

Template Setup: Set the template's required properties (Title and Sites) and other optional properties.

Category Types: Assign departments and categories for questionnaires created from this template.

Writers: Assign the writers who may collaborate on writing questionnaires created from this template.

Reviewers: Assign the users who may review questionnaires created from this template.

Approvers: Assign the users who may approve questionnaires created from this template.

Assignees: Assign the users who may be required to complete questionnaires created from this template.

Security: Set the default security level for questionnaires created from this template.