You are here: Topics by System Permission > Category Owner > Adding a Category

Adding a Category

You can think of a category as a container for subcategories. Because documents can only be assigned to subcategories, each top-level category you create must contain at least one sub-category before it is useful for categorizing documents.

To add a top-level category,

  2. Click Document Setup, and then click Categories.
  1. If your PolicyTech system has multiple sites, select a site you want to assign the category to.

Note: You can assign the category to additional sites later.

  1. Click New, and then click New Category.
  1. In the Edit Category tab, define the new category (see Category Properties below for details).
  1. Click Save.
  2. Create subcategories under this new category either by adding them manually (see Adding Subcategories Manually) or importing them (see Importing Subcategories).

Category Properties

Name. This is the name that appears in the category list. This name must be unique across all sites.

Reference ID. By default, the reference ID is auto-filled with the category name. You can change the reference ID, but be aware that it must be unique.

Category Owner. If you want to assign someone to manage this category (to add and maintain subcategories), in the Category Owner list, click a user name. (See Assigning System Permissions for details on assigning a user as a category owner.)

Sites. This property determines what sites will offer this category as an option when users are creating documents. Your primary site is selected by default. You can also choose to have the new category automatically added to all future sites by selecting the Automatically select new sites as they get created check box.

Selection Type. This property determines whether document creators can assign a document to just one subcategory under this category or to more than one. The default setting is Single.

Constraints. When the Document Owner can add subcategories check box is selected, document owners and proxy authors will have the option to create new subcategories under this category when they create documents.

Description. Add a description to explain what the category is for and the type of subcategories it should contain.