You are here: User Topics by Subject > Creating and Working with Draft Documents > Writing a Document (Mac) > Adding Content to a Word or Excel Document (Mac)

Adding Content to a Word or Excel Document (Mac)

Important: Before you can write or otherwise add content to a Microsoft® Word or Excel® document, you must complete at least step 1. Settings of the Properties Wizard. If you have not already done so, complete the instructions under Assigning Document Properties.

  1. Do one of the following to open the Edit Document tab of a Word or Excel document:
  1. Do one of the following, depending on what you see:

Note: The document you import can be empty. It simply needs to be a saved Word or Excel file.

  1. Write or modify the document as needed.
  2. Save the document, and then close the Word or Excel application window.
  3. Back in the PolicyTech document window (the one with the Edit Document tab), do any of the following: