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Attaching Files and Adding Reference Links

From within a document, you can link to other PolicyTech documents and to websites. You can also attach (link to) any type of external file. This feature is useful for referencing additional materials, in addition to the document content, that you want readers to review.

You can also add attachments that can only be seen by those with permission to edit the document (the document owner, assigned proxy authors and writers, and document control administrators). For example, you might want to attach or link to reference material used to write a document but that you don't want to require readers to review.

Important: PolicyTech does not track whether a reader reviewed attached files or linked documents or websites.

Click a link below for instructions.

Adding a Link to an Existing PolicyTech Document

Adding a Link to a New (Not Yet Created) PolicyTech Document

Adding a Link to a Web Address

Attaching an External File

Managing Attachments and Links