Assigning Roles

By assigning roles, you can control who can own, write, review, approve, and read or complete content items (documents, questionnaires, and campaigns). You can also control who can see pending and archived content and who can create and modify templates. PolicyTech assigns each new user only the Assignee role by default.

You can assign roles while creating or editing a user (see Adding a User Manually or Editing a User).

  1. With a user form open, click the Roles tab.
  1. Select or click to clear roles. Each role is described in the"Role Descriptions" section below.
  2. Do one of the following:

Providing General Information

Assigning System Permissions

Assigning Proxy Settings

Assigning a Manager

Role Descriptions



Document Owner

A document owner has the following responsibilities for each owned document:

  • Create the document
  • Assign writers, proxy authors, reviewers, approvers, and assignees (users required to read the document)
  • Assign departments and categories
  • Write the document content or assign another user to write it
  • Manage the document through the review and approval process, making revisions as necessary
  • As the document is periodically reviewed, create new versions and make necessary updates
  • When necessary, a document owner can also do the following:
  • Submit the draft document directly to approval
  • Set the document as approved if assigned the Approves Own Content role
  • Modify the designated assignees of published documents
  • Archive the document

Questionnaire Owner

A questionnaire owner has the following responsibilities for each owned questionnaire:

  • Create the questionnaire
  • Assign writers, proxy authors, reviewers, approvers, and assignees (users who must complete the questionnaire)
  • Assign departments and categories
  • Write the questionnaire content or assign another user to write it
  • Manage the questionnaire through the review and approval process, making revisions as necessary
  • As the questionnaire is periodically reviewed, create new versions and make necessary updates
  • When necessary, a questionnaire owner can also do the following:
  • Submit the draft questionnaire directly to approval
  • Set the questionnaire as approved if assigned the Approves Own Content role
  • Modify the designated assignees of started questionnaires
  • Archive the questionnaire

Campaign Owner

A campaign owner has the following responsibilities for each owned campaign:

  • Create the campaign
  • Designate assignees (users who must complete the campaign)
  • Assign departments and categories
  • Add content (documents and questionnaires) to the campaign
  • Set the campaign as approved
  • As the campaign is periodically reviewed, create new versions and make necessary updates
  • When necessary, a campaign owner can also do the following:
  • Modify the designated assignees of started campaigns
  • Archive the campaign

Approves Own Content*

With the Approves Own Content role assigned, document and questionnaire owners can approve their own documents/questionnaires without having to go through the review and approval process.


  • If a document's/questionnaire's template contains required reviewers or approvers, the owner is not allowed to approve the document/questionnaire, even with the Approves Own Document role assigned.
  • This role applies only to users also assigned the Document Owner or Questionnaire Owner role. (Users with the Campaign Owner role can always approve their campaigns).


A document or questionnaire owner can assign any user with the Writer role to write or collaborate in writing a document or questionnaire. A writer cannot, however, access or change any of the document's/questionnaire's properties (assignments, categories, security, etc.). A writer can edit an assigned document/questionnaire only while it is in the Collaboration status.


A document or questionnaire owner can assign any user with the Reviewer role to review documents and questionnaires. A reviewer can accept an assigned document/questionnaire as it is, revise it, or decline it. Those assigned the Reviewer role are typically subject matter experts and managers.


A document or questionnaire owner can assign any user with the Approver role to approve documents and questionnaires. An approver can accept an assigned document/questionnaire as is, revise it, or decline it. Because an approver is legally responsible for a document's/questionnaire's contents, those assigned the Approver role are typically managers or executives.

Completes Approval Assignments in Bulk*

By default, user's assigned the approver role must approve documents and questionnaires individually. A user assigned the Completes Approval Assignments in Bulk role is able to select multiple approval tasks and complete them all at once.

View Pending*

A user assigned the View Pending role can see documents and questionnaires that are approved but not yet published or started because a publication/start date was set for some time in the future. Pending access is limited to documents/questionnaires to which the user has access by virtue of all assigned roles and permissions.


A user given the Assignee role can be assigned to read documents and complete questionnaires, and can see all accessible published documents whose security is set to All Users.

Archived Documents

A user assigned the Archived Documents role can see archived content items. Access is limited to content to which the user has access by virtue of all assigned roles and permissions.


A user assigned the Template role can view, create, and edit templates, but cannot archive them.

Proxy Author*

The Proxy Author role is assigned in the Proxy Settings tab of User Manager. For details on what a user assigned this permission can do, see Assigning a Proxy Author.


The Manager role is assigned in the Manager tab of User Manager. For details on what a user assigned this permission can do, see Manager Permissions.

* Does not apply to campaigns.