Report: Questionnaire Results by Content


Shows all users' questionnaire results by question for the selected documents or questionnaires.

Available to users with the following roles or permissions:

Document Owner, Questionnaire Owner, Report Manager, Administrator

How to Generate

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Questionnaire Reports, and then click Questionnaire Results by Content.
  1. Select content items to include in the report (see Selecting Content for help), and then click OK.

All options available for this report are displayed on the left. Notice that the number of currently selected content items is displayed after the Content option, which you can click anytime to change your selection.

Note: If you change your content selection after clicking View Report, click View Report again to refresh.

  1. (Optional) To limit the selected content items to only those assigned to specific users, click Users and make selections in the same way as you would for a user-based report (see Selecting Users for help).
  1. (Optional) Under Options, Incomplete and Complete are selected by default, meaning that information about all users assigned to complete the selected questionnaires will be included in the report results, whether or not those users have already submitted their questionnaire responses. Click to clear the Incomplete or Complete check box to exclude that information.

If Localization Workflow is enabled, you will also see the Show localized tasks on master option. Select this option if you want the questionnaire results from synced localized copies included with the master document's/questionnaire's results.

  1. Click View Report.
  2. For Layout, select Questionnaire View or Questionnaire Completion View.

Note: Questionnaire View is the layout selected by default when you view this report. To select a different default layout, select that view, click , and then click Set as default. appears when the current default layout is selected.

Questionnaire View organizes report data by document/questionnaire title, then by questionnaire version, and then by question, with individual user status and results for each question.

Questionnaire Completion View organizes report data by completion status—complete and incomplete—then by document/questionnaire title, then by questionnaire version, then by user, with each user's responses.

  1. Customize the Data grid to show only the data you need in the way you want it represented (Working with the Data Pane).
  2. (Optional) After setting up the Data grid, create a custom layout to save your changes for future use (see Working with Custom Layouts).
  3. (Optional) To save all of the report's current content item and user selections, option settings, and customizations for future use, click , type a name and description, and then click OK.
  4. (Optional) Print or save the current report results (see Printing or Saving Report Results).