Document Import with Metadata

This method of importing documents consists of the following high-level steps:

Important: The The Document Import with Metadata add-on is included with your purchase of PolicyTech licenses, but it is not enabled by default. To enable it, contact Client Support at 888-359-8123 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) or 208-359-8123.

Configuring PolicyTech

When you prepare the document metadata spreadsheet, you must assign certain entities, such as owners and templates. These entities must already exist in PolicyTech for a metadata import to be successful.

Important: A successful PolicyTech configuration requires much thought and planning. If you have not already done so, we strongly recommend engaging NAVEX Global Professional Services to help with your PolicyTech implementation.

Of the PolicyTech entities and properties that can be assigned using the metadata spreadsheet, some are required and some are optional. You must configure at least the required entities and properties prior to a document import with metadata.

Required configurations:

Templates (see About Templates and Creating a Template)

Document owners (see Adding a User Manually and Assigning Roles)

Sites (see Working with Sites and Adding a Site)

Departments (see Working with Departments and Adding a Department)

Optional configurations:

Proxy authors (see Assigning a Proxy Author)

Categories (see About Categories and Adding a Category)

Languages (see Language Files)

Reference number setting (see Default Content Properties: Reference Number)

Uploading the Documents

Important: The Import Documents with Metadata feature is for importing new documents only. Do not use this feature to update the metadata of existing documents.

  1. Click System Settings, click Content Setup, and then click Import Documents.

You should now see one of the following warnings, depending on whether your PolicyTech system is hosted by NAVEX Global (first warning) or installed on your organization's premises (second warning).

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click the Import Documents with Metadata tab.
  2. To select files to upload, do either of the following:

Preparing the Document Metadata Spreadsheet

Important: To avoid unforeseen and possibly irreversible issues, we strongly recommend that you have NAVEX Global Professional Services help with preparing the document metadata spreadsheet.

  1. To download the metadata spreadsheet template, in the Step 2: Upload Metadata File area, click Generate Metadata File, and then open the file.

The Excel template will contain the names of the files you've already uploaded.

  1. Enable editing in the Excel file.
  2. Using the field descriptions as a guide, fill in at least the required information for each document.
  3. Save and close the spreadsheet.

Uploading the Metadata Spreadsheet

  1. In the Step 2: Upload Metadata File area, click Browse, find and click the metadata spreadsheet you prepared, and then click Open. The name of the uploaded file appears under Metadata File / Results.

Before starting the import, it's important that you verify your metadata spreadsheet to check for errors.

  1. Make sure that the metadata spreadsheet is closed in Excel, and then click Verify Metadata File.

The results are shown in a table like the one below.

  1. Depending on the results, do one of the following:

Handling Import Errors

There are three error levels:

In addition to errors, the results you see after clicking Verify Metadata File may include a number for Documents without Metadata. This means that one or more documents were uploaded that have no corresponding row of information in the uploaded metadata spreadsheet.

  1. In the metadata spreadsheet you just opened, click Enable Editing.
  2. Look in the Field column (column A) for any cells with a fill color (red, orange, or yellow), which indicates that there is an error with the document metadata on that row. Look in that row for other colored cells, and then point to a colored cell to display the error detail.

Important: Be sure to scan the entire row for colored cells as there may be multiple errors for the same document.

  1. Open the original metadata spreadsheet you prepared and uploaded, and then make the needed changes.
  2. Repeat the steps in the "Uploading the Metadata Spreadsheet" section above.

Starting the Import

Once the uploaded metadata spreadsheet validates with no errors (or with only high and medium errors that you chose not correct), you can start the document and metadata import.

  1. Click Start Import.
  2. When you see the message telling you that the documents and metadata have been queued for processing, click OK.


  • To check an import's status, click View Document imports. Click the import name to view individual document status.
  • To cancel a scheduled import, click View Document Imports, click the import name, click Cancel Import, and then click Yes.