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By creating categories, you can group documents logically to make searching for and locating specific types of documents easier. For example, you might create categories for state standards, OSHA standards, and other quality measures—or for document types, such as policies, procedures, and forms.

Part of category creation includes the creation of subcategories for that category, because documents can only be assigned to subcategories and not to a top-level category. For example, if the category is Document Type, sub-categories you can assign documents to might include, Forms, Memorandums, Job Descriptions, Policies, Procedures, and Employee Handbook. Or, if the category is ISO 9000, you would create a sub-category for each ISO 9000 level or activity.

Below is a partial list of different document types you may want to consider including:

Refer to the following topics for details on working with categories.

Adding a Category

Adding Subcategories Manually

Importing Subcategories

Editing a Category or Subcategory

Moving a Category

Merging Categories

Deleting Categories