Updating Document Links

When a document in PolicyTech changes in any of the following ways and that document is linked from one or more other documents, the owners of those other documents containing the links are notified that the links need to be updated.

Note: Assessments and campaigns cannot contain tracked links to other PolicyTech content items in the way that documents can.

  • A new version of the linked document is published.
  • The linked document is automatically replaced by another document.
  • The linked document is archived.

If you are a document owner with links that need updating, a notification is posted to My Tasks. It is also sent via your organization's email system (see Working with Notification Emails). If you have not already used one of these notifications to update the links, you will see a message informing you that you need to update links as soon as you open the document containing those links. The instructions below are for updating links from any of these notifications.