About Notification Emails

If you are assigned any task for a content item, you will receive a notification email when it is time to perform that task. You will also receive notifications if one of your tasks includes a due date and the task becomes overdue.

Important: You will receive notification emails only if the administrator has both set up PolicyTech to send out emails through your organization's email system and has included your email address in your user profile. If this is not the case, the task notifications are posted to the PolicyTech Inbox.

  • This sample email tells you what task you have been assigned and the content item (document, assessment, or campaign) you need to perform the task on.

  • This sample email provides you with information about a task assignment or content item you own.

Notification Lists

Several factors determine which of all email notifications applicable to your role you will receive. These factors include your own email subscription settings, system-wide email settings controlled by the administrator, and content item-specific notification settings.

The tables below show what notifications users with each role might receive and links to topics that explain how to act on those notifications.