Report: Tasks by User - Current

Important: This is one of several next-generation, dynamic grid reports that are fundamentally different than other PolicyTech reports you may have worked with (legacy reports). In legacy reports, all report customization and manipulation is done using report settings, with the report results generated as a static document. In next-generation reports, you set a minimum of report options—such as selecting the documents and users to include—to create report results in the form of an initial framework. The initial report results consist of a Summary section and a Data section, each of which is highly customizable to create precisely the data representation you need.


Shows information about selected users' assigned tasks in currently active workflow statuses. You can choose to include incomplete and complete tasks as well tasks in upcoming levels.

Available to users with the following roles or permissions:

Manager, Report Manager, Administrator

How to Generate

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Tasks by User, and then click Tasks by User - Current.
  1. Select the users you want included in the report (see Selecting Users for help), and then click OK.

Initial options available for this report are displayed on the left. Notice that the number of currently selected users is displayed after the Users option, which you can click anytime to change your user selection.

Note: If you change your user selection after clicking View Report, click View Report again to refresh.

  1. (Optional) You have the option to limit the users included in the report to only those with tasks assigned to specific content items. Click Content, and then select content items in the same way as you would for a content-based report (see Selecting Content for help).
  2. (Optional) Under Task Options, Incomplete and Complete are selected by default, meaning that only those of the currently selected users with task assignments, whether incomplete or complete, will be included in the report results.

Select Skipped to include information about assigned reading/completion tasks that were skipped because they were not completed before the specified task end date. (For details on the End Date option in the Settings step of the Properties Wizard, see "Adjusting Basic Settings" in the User's Guide Adjusting Basic Settings).

Select Upcoming to include information about tasks assigned in a subsequent level in the currently active workflow status. For example, if a selected document has three approval levels and is currently in level 1 of the Approval status, selecting Upcoming would also include information about tasks assigned to approval levels 2 and 3.

To filter content items to only those within a specific date range, click Choose a date, and then click Date Completed or Date Assigned (the date when an assigned task was completed or assigned).

The default date range is the last 30 days from today's date. To change this setting, click , select a different preset date range, and then click Apply. If you select Custom Range, also select a start and end date, and then click Apply.

  1. Click View Report.

Note: You can also click View Report at any time while setting report options. After changing an option, remember to click View Report again to refresh.

  1. For Layout, select Task Type, Task Status or Publication Status.

Note: Tasks Type is the layout selected by default when you view this report. To select a different default layout, select that view, click , and then click Set as default. appears when the current default layout is selected.

Task Type organizes and represents data primarily by the types of tasks—such as Read/Complete, Review, and Approve—assigned to the selected users.

Task's Status organizes and represents data primarily by whether the assigned tasks are incomplete or complete.

Start/Publication Status organizes and represents data primarily by the workflow status—Draft, Collaboration, Review, Approval, Pending, Approved, and Archived)—of the content items for which the selected users have task assignments.

  1. Choose how you want information in the Summary pane displayed (Working with the Summary Pane).
  2. Customize the Data grid to show only the data you need in the way you want it represented (Working with the Data Pane).
  3. (Optional) After setting up the Summary pane and Data grid, create a custom layout to save your changes for future use (see Working with Custom Layouts).
  4. (Optional) To save all of the report's current content item and user selections, option settings, and customizations for future use, click , type a name and description, and then click OK.


  • The difference between saving a custom layout and saving the report is that saving the report, besides saving the current Summary pane and Data grid layouts, also saves the Users, Content, and Task Options settings.
  • If dashboards are enabled, a widget (compact view) is automatically created for the saved Tasks by User - All Tasks report. If personal dashboards are enabled, you can add the report widget to My Dashboard (seeSetting Up a Personal Dashboard). If the Home dashboard is enabled and you're a global or site administrator, you can add the report widget to the system-wide or site dashboard (see "Setting Up a Home Dashboard" in the Administrator's GuideSetting Up a Home Dashboard).
  1. (Optional) Print or save the current report results (see Printing or Saving Report Results).