Working with Notification Emails

If you are assigned any task for a content item (document, questionnaire, or campaign), you will receive a notification email when it is time to perform that task. You will also receive notifications if one of your tasks includes a due date and the task becomes overdue. See Notification Lists below for descriptions of the notifications you could receive.

Important: You will receive notification emails only if the administrator has both set up PolicyTech to send out emails through your organization's email system and has included your email address in your user profile. If this is not the case, the task notifications are posted to the PolicyTech Inbox. See Using the Messages Inbox for details.

If you receive a notification email, do the following:

  1. Find and open the email in your organization's email system. The notification serves one of the following purposes:
  1. To open a referenced content item, click its title.
  2. If applicable, perform your task, and then take the appropriate action to indicate that the task is done. The lists below refer you to topics with instructions about performing assigned tasks.

Notification Lists

The tables below show what notifications users with each role might receive and links to topics that explain how to act on those notifications.


  • Several factors determine which of all possible email notifications applicable to your role you will receive. These factors include your own email subscription settings (see My Profile: Email Subscriptions Tab), system-wide email settings controlled by the administrator, and content item-specific notification settings (see Notification Settings for Owners and Proxies).
  • The following tables show the default text for email subjects. The subjects of emails you receive may be different, because that text can be modified by an administrator.

For All Roles

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Summary of Incomplete Tasks

Subject:PolicyTech tasks summary

Sent to task assignees on the configured interval with a list of all incomplete tasks.

Working with My Tasks

Name: New Discussion

Subject:New discussion: "[Discussion Title]" for "[Content Item Title]"

Sent to designated recipients when a discussion is started.

Working with Discussions

Name: Discussion Reply Posted

Subject:Discussion reply: "[Discussion Title]" for "[Content Item Title]"

Sent to designated recipients when a discussion reply is posted.

Working with Discussions

For Assignees

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Read/Complete Task Notification

Subject: Required to read or complete: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent to users assigned to read a document or complete a questionnaire or campaign.

Reading a Required Document, Completing a Questionnaire, Completing a Campaign

Name: Read/Complete Task Suspended

Subject: No longer required to read or complete: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item moves to a different workflow status, causing a reading/completion task to be suspended.

Not applicable. No action required.

For Document Owners, Questionnaire Owners, Campaign Owners, and Proxy Authors

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Action Required on Draft Content

Subject: Prepare and submit draft content: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an owner task is assigned in the Settings step of the Properties Wizard.

Creating a Document, Creating a Questionnaire (Overview), Creating a Campaign, Working with Documents in Approval, Working with a Revised or Declined Document or Questionnaire

Name:Owner Assigned

Subject: Your assignment to own content

Sent went an owner assignment changes.

Creating a Document, Creating a Questionnaire (Overview), Creating a Campaign

Name: Proxy Author Assigned (for proxy authors only)

Subject: Your assignment as proxy author of content

Sent went a user is assigned as a content item's proxy author.

Creating a Document, Creating a Questionnaire , Creating a Campaign

Name: Submit Content for Review upon Request (for owners only)

Subject: Submission for review requested: [Content Item Title]

Sent to the owner when a proxy author requests that a content item be submitted for review.

Submitting a Document or Questionnaire for Review

Name: Writing Complete

Subject: Writing completed: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when all assigned writers have finished and the content item is ready to submit for review.

Submitting a Document or Questionnaire for Review

Name: Content Declined or Revised in Review

Subject: Sent back to draft: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when all assigned reviewers have completed their tasks and the content item is sent back to draft.

Working with a Revised or Declined Document or Questionnaire

Name: Content Declined or Revised in Approval

Subject: Sent back to draft: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when all assigned approvers have completed their tasks and the content item is sent back to draft.

Working with a Revised or Declined Document or Questionnaire

Name: Content Sent Back to Draft

Subject: Sent back to draft: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an administrator uses the Send to Draft option.

Check with the administrator before deciding what to do next with this content item.

Name: Periodic Review Required

Subject: Examine content that expires [Date]: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a periodic review of a content item is due or near due.

Doing a Periodic Review and Creating a New Version

Name: Content Submitted for Periodic Review

Subject: Due for periodic review: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when one user has submitted a another owner's/proxy author's content item for periodic review.

Doing a Periodic Review and Creating a New Version

Name: Check Content Link

Subject:Content link may need to be updated: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a link in a document needs to be checked.

Updating Document Links

Name: Content Replacement Pending

Subject:Document replacement pending: "[Document Title]"

Sent when another user has set one of the owner's/proxy author's documents to be replaced.

Reviewing a Document or Questionnaire

Name: Content Edited in Its Current State

Subject:Approved content modified: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an administrator edits an approved document in its current state (without going through another review and approval process).

Not applicable. Contact the person named in the email with questions or concerns.

Name: Master Edited in Its Current State (possible only if Localization Workflow Module is enabled)

Subject:Master "[Content Item Title] edited in its current state

Sent to owners and proxy authors of localized copies when the master is modified in its current state (as opposed to creating a new version).

If your localized copy is still in draft, use Compare/Replace to identify master changes, and then make changes to your copy as needed (see Working with Compare/Replace Options. If your localized copy is in review or approval, you can send it back to draft to make the needed changes (see Sending a Document or Questionnaire Back to Draft). If your localized copy has already been approved, contact your administrator for help with updating it.

Name: Content Set as Approved

Subject:Set as approved: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an administrator sets a content item as approved.

Not applicable. Contact the person named in the email with questions or concerns.

Name: No Revision Necessary

Subject:No revision necessary: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent to the assigned proxy author when a content item is due for review and the owner specifies that no revision is necessary. If an administrator specifies that no revision is necessary, the owner will also be notified.

Not applicable. Contact the person named in the email with questions or concerns.

Name: Writer Task Complete

Subject:[Full Name] finished writing: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an assigned writer clicks Finished Writing.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name:Reviewer Task Complete

Subject:[Full Name] reviewed: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an assigned reviewer accepts, declines, or revises a content item.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Review Level Complete

Subject:Level [Level Number] review completed: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when all required reviewers on a specific level have accepted the content item and a subsequent review level exists.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Review Cycle Complete - Document Moved to Approval

Subject:Sent to approval: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item is accepted by all required reviewers and moved to approval.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Approver Task Complete

Subject:[Full Name] reviewed: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an assigned approver accepts, declines, or revises a content item.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Approval Level Complete

Subject:Level [Level Number] approval complete: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when all required approvers on a specific level have accepted the content item and a subsequent review level exists.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Approval Cycle Complete - Content Approved

Subject:Approved: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item is accepted by all required approvers and moved to published or pending.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Escalation Summary for Owners and Proxy Authors

Subject:Content with overdue tasks

Sent on the configured interval with a list of overdue writing, review, approval, and reading/completion tasks.

Not applicable. Follow up with task assignees as required.

For Writers

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Writer/Collaborator Task Notification

Subject:Writing collaboration required: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent to users assigned as writers on a content item.

Collaborating on (Helping to Write) Content (for assigned writers)

Name: Collaboration Task Suspended

Subject:No collaboration required: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item moves to a different workflow status, causing a collaboration task to be suspended.

Not applicable. No action required.

For Reviewers

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Reviewer Task Notification

Subject:Review required: "[Document Title]"

Sent to users assigned as reviewers on a document or questionnaire.

Reviewing a Document or Questionnaire

Name: Review Task Suspended

Subject:No review required: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item moves to a different workflow status, causing a review task to be suspended.

Not applicable. No action required.

For Approvers

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Approver Task Notification

Subject:Approval required: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent to users assigned as approvers on a content item.

Approving a Document or Questionnaire

Name: Approval Task Suspended

Subject:No approval required: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item moves to a different workflow status, causing an approval task to be suspended.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Content Edited in Its Current State

Subject:Approved content modified: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when an administrator edits an approved document in its current state.

Not applicable. Contact the person named in the email with questions or concerns.

Name: No Revision Necessary

Subject:No revision necessary: "[Content Item Title]"

Sent when a content item is due for review and the owner specifies that no revision is necessary.

Not applicable. Contact the person named in the email with questions or concerns.

For Managers

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Escalation Summary for Department Managers

Subject:Users with overdue tasks

Sent on the configured interval to the manager of users with overdue reading/completion tasks.

Not applicable. Follow up with task assignees as required.

For Administrators

Email Name & Default Subject


Help Topic Links

Name: Content Reassignment Needed

Subject:Reassign [Full Name]'s content

Sent when a user assigned the Document Owner, Questionnaire Owner, or Campaign Owner role:

  • Is assigned a different job title.
  • Is deactivated (archived).
  • Is unassigned the owner role.

Reassigning Owners' Content

Name: Document Import Complete

Subject:Document import complete

Sent when a requested document import is complete.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: Document Export Complete

Subject:Document export results

Sent when a requested document export is complete.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: User Synchronization Results

Subject:Automated user synchronization results

Sent to specified email addresses upon completion of a user synchronization.

Not applicable. No action required.

Name: User Synchronization Error

Subject:Automated user synchronization error

Sent to specified email addresses when an unexpected error occurs during a user synchronization.

Not applicable. Fix the error described in the email.

Name: Insufficient Licenses

Subject:Insufficient licenses

Sent when a user attempts to log in and one of the following is true:

  • More corporate or third-party users exist in PolicyTech than are allowed by the registration code.
  • The maximum number of allowed concurrent users has been reached.

Not applicable. Update your license, archive users, or inform users that they must wait until someone has logged out and freed up a concurrent license.