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Management Reports

The management reports are divided into the six categories denoted by the headings that follow. Click a link below for a description of and instructions on how to generate a management report.

Tasks by Document Reports

In Draft

In Collaboration

In Review

In Approval

In Published

Documents Due for Periodic Review

Documents with Links to Update

All Workflow Statuses

Tasks by User Reports

Writer Tasks

Reviewer Tasks

Approver Tasks

Reader Tasks

Document Owner - Resubmit for Review Tasks

Document Owner - Periodic Review Tasks

Document Owner - Links to Update Tasks

All Workflow Tasks

Tasks by Group

Writer Group Tasks

Reviewer Group Tasks

Approver Group Tasks

Reader Group Tasks

Document Reports

Document Assignments by Title

Document Count by Owner

Documents Accessed

Document Duration in Workflow

Linked Documents

Documents within Date Range

Documents Approved as of a Specific Date

Change Summary with Version History and Documents Replaced

Print Multiple Documents

Email Bounce Backs by Document

User Reports

Document Assignments by User

Documents Accessed by User

Users Canceled Mark as Read

User Permissions

Users with Bounce Back Emails

Dedicated Licenses

Questionnaire Reports

By Document

By User

Exception Report

Exceptions By Document